Did Jesus teach us to disregard God's laws?

Did Jesus trivialize and even advocate disobedience to God’s laws?

Here is a List of some verses that have been MISINTERPRETED as Jesus encouraging trivialization of and even disobedience to God’s laws.

1.      Matthew 15: 10-11Jesus called the crowd to him. He said, "Listen and understand.  What goes into your mouth does not make you 'unclean.' It's what comes out of your mouth that makes you 'unclean.' "

Jesus was teaching that sin comes from within. Many biblical scholars and ordinary Christians incorrectly interpret this statement of Jesus to mean that Jesus was authorizing them to eat anything, drink anything because it doesn’t make you unclean.  

What Jesus was stating here is that disobedience to laws starts from the heart. 

They immediately justify their lack of adherence to the health laws in the Bible based on this statement that Jesus made – they completely took this statement out of its context. And a few other statements from Paul compounded this misguidance. I will demonstrate how the following verses written by Paul sowed more confusion.

a.      Romans 14:2 
“One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is   weak, eats only vegetables.”

b.      1 Corinthians 10:25-26
“Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of     
  conscience, 26 for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it”

c.          Romans 14:20
“Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it   is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble.”

d.      Romans 14:14 
      “I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.”

To put what Jesus said into its proper context – we have to understand that he wasn't teaching us to DISOBEY God’s health laws.  He was showing that obeying the law on the outside didn't mean the heart was clean of filthy thoughts, wrong intentions and hate.  He was trying to teach the teachers of the law who kept the law to the notch with no understanding as to the reasoning of love, compassion and trust behind it.

Jesus was saying that in keeping the law in itself without the spiritual component of love, compassion, humility etc. made the obedience just an act void of meaning. 

Some Christian’s interpret this to mean – forget the law – just love.  This teaching is also wrong as it contradicts the whole narrative of the Bible itself which focuses on obedience and submission to God’s laws.  

To teach that you can just LOVE God and not keep his commandments is just as wrong as teaching that you follow the commandments without loving God.  Both are needed to make the act correct in full. 

This is what Jesus was emphasizing as demonstrated in the following verse:

2.      Matthew 12:10-12 A man with a weak and twisted hand was there. The Pharisees were trying to find fault with Jesus. So they asked him, "Does the Law allow us to heal on the Sabbath day?" 11 He said to them, "What if one of your sheep falls into a pit on the Sabbath? Won't you take hold of it and lift it out? 12 A man is worth more than sheep! So the Law allows us to do good on the Sabbath day." 

Here the Pharisees just don’t see the purpose of the law.  If you were in the middle of praying and someone’s house was on fire and they were shouting for help – for sure your prayer would not be accepted of you if you continued praying because you wanted to keep the law even at the expense of someone’s life who needed your help.  You have missed the whole point.  There are certain laws that take precedence over others given exceptional circumstances. 

“Instead of Jesus violating the law as these false teachers and the Jews claim, he was simply violating the Jew's prejudicial misapplications of the law. There is nothing in the Old or New Testament that implies that using God's power to heal was any kind of violation of the Sabbath, neither was walking through the grain fields eating grain.
It is one thing to show from the Bible that God himself allows exceptions to His general rule (which He does on more than one occasion), in accordance with principles which HE defines, and another to teach that we have the right to make our OWN EXCEPTIONS in terms of principles which WE ASSUME are satisfactory.” (T. Pierce Brown)

Let’s look at some more verses where Paul trivialises the day of worship, the Holy Sabbath as etched in the 10 commandments, he also says that new converts shouldn’t follow the laws as Jesus had done – rather – they should keep their old practises and just believe.  

Paul even says clearly that that is his own opinion – with no such authority from Jesus or God.  He was not speaking for God or for Jesus but of his OWN OPINION as the following scriptures written by him prove.

a.      Colossians 2:16 
      “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.”

b.      Acts 15:10 
      "Now then, why are you trying to test God? You test him when you put a heavy load on the believers' shoulders. Our people of long ago couldn't carry that load. We can't either. 11 No! We believe we are saved through the grace of our Lord Jesus. Those who aren't Jews are saved in the same way."

c.       Acts 15:19 
     “Now here is my opinion. We should not make it hard for the non-Jews who are turning to God”

Here is another verse that has been misinterpreted as Jesus commanding us to disobey or cancel the health laws.

3.      Matthew 15:1-9 “Some Pharisees and some teachers of the law came from Jerusalem to see Jesus. They asked, 2"Why don't your disciples obey what the elders teach? Your disciples don't wash their hands before they eat! You pretenders! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you. He said,   ”‘These people honour me by what they say. But their hearts are far away from me.  Their worship doesn't mean anything to me. They teach nothing but human rules.' “—(Isaiah 29:13)”

Jesus wasn't teaching that you shouldn't wash your hands before you eat.  What he was teaching was that the washing of the hands was to be done in obedience and love for God without spite and self-righteousness towards others. 

However – if you will notice - What Paul is teaching that his reason behind not following some of the laws is purely for the sake of winning people over.  Every law has logic and reason behind it but to compromise God’s laws for the sake of winning people over makes no sense. Everything one does has to be for the Glory of God. 

The logic Paul uses to justify or advocate this trivialization of the health laws is the “salvation” of the weak.  This argument  makes no sense as salvation lies in repentance and adhering to God’s laws as God stated in the Old Testament and as Jesus had affirmed. 

Here are a few more verses that display how Paul further sows the seeds of confusion.

a.      Colossians 2:20 
    “The people of the world believe certain basic things. You died with Christ as far as things like that are concerned. So why do you act as if you still belong to the world? Here are the rules you follow. 21"Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!" 22 Rules like that are all going to die out as time goes by. They are only based on human rules and teachings.”

b.      Acts 15:28 
      “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit (now Paul is speaking on behalf of the Holy Spirit) and to us not to give you a load that is too heavy. So here are a few basic rules. 29 Don't eat food that has been offered to statues of gods. Don't drink blood. Don't eat the meat of animals that have been choked to death. And don't commit sexual sins. You will do well to keep away from these things.

c.       Hebrews 7:18-19 
    “The old rule is done away with. It was weak and useless. The law didn't make anything perfect. Now a better hope has been given to us. That hope brings us near to God.”

Paul and Peter rationalised that it was an ‘inconvenient burden’ to obligate the new Christians to the practice of circumcision and keeping of the Law of Moses. (Acts15:1) In essence what Peter is saying is:

"If you teach that there are any rules or commandments we must follow besides just to love God and your neighbour, you are putting an unbearable yoke on the neck of the disciples and are judged thereby."

Peter’s thesis is, "If you love God, none of the commandments of God have any binding effect, for you can express that love any way you choose and it is just as good as the ways God chose!!!." 

And that is the teaching that most Christians believe in today. Instead of teaching such a false doctrine, the Bible teaches us what God wants us to do, and how He wants us to do it, and we express our love by doing it, not by substituting something else for those commands or disregarding them.

Peter repeats the kind of mistake that is so difficult to discern, but which underlies most of his misapplications when he says "Love seeks the good of others instead of seeking to comply with regulations." If he had said "instead of MERELY seeking to comply with regulations," there would be no fault with his statement.

The truth is, "Love seeks the good of others while it also seeks to comply with God's regulations."

The way Peter puts it, if one seeks the good of others one does not need to regard God's regulations as binding, since all of God's regulations were merely given to show love! This is incorrect!  Jesus did not teach this and the Bible itself does not support this teaching!

“When enlightenment is bestowed upon the wayfarer’s heart in his journey to his Lord, a person would act with greater observance of the manifest forms of religion. This falsifies the claims of pseudo spiritualists, who say that the inner perfection can only be acquired by relinquishing outer accomplishments, or, that after acquiring inner excellences, necessity of observing outward forms does not remain obligatory. This is a mistaken conception born of ignorance about the stages of worship and the different grades of human progress.”  Imam Khomeine 40 Hadith  -

The following scripture verse confirms that obedience to God’s laws (regardless of what kind of laws) is paramount to prove your belief in God’s sovereignty.  Obedience and submission is evidence that you recognize His Lordship

1.      Ezekiel 22:26  
    “Her priests do violence to my law and profane my holy things; they do not distinguish between the holy and the common; they teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean; and they shut their eyes to the keeping of my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them.”

2.      Zechariah 7:12 
      “They made their hearts as hard as the hardest stone. They wouldn't listen to the law. They wouldn't pay attention to the Lord's messages. So the Lord who rules over all was very angry. After all, his Spirit had spoken to his people through the earlier prophets.”

3.   Hosea 8:12
     “I wrote for them the many things of my law, but they regarded them as something foreign.

4.   Matthew 5:19-20 
     “Do not break even one of the least important commandments. And do not teach others to break them. If you do, you will be called the least important person in the kingdom of heaven. Instead, practice and teach these commands. Then you will be called important in the kingdom of heaven. 20 "Here is what I tell you. You must be more godly than the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. If you are not, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Obedience and submission to God’s laws demonstrates that you trust that He knows what is best for you for His laws are there to guide you and benefit you – not to harm you. He created you and the whole universe so He knows what is best for you – yet we challenge Him with no knowledge.


God's will is made evident in his laws.  Submission to His will means obedience to His laws.   Paul taught that faith was sufficient but it is not...faith is proven through submission.   Paul laid the foundation for Christianity as it is today  - not Jesus.  


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