Who is God?
Who is God?
Here are some exclusive attributes and titles of God according to the prophets’ words. These titles CAN NOT be applied to anything created.
1. God is the ONLY Lord
of the heavens and the earth
a.) Matthew 11:25 “On that occasion Jesus said, ‘Father, Lord of the heavens and the earth,
I praise you
because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed
them to simple people’”
Jesus refers to God as “Father” and “Lord of
the heavens and the earth” God is Lord in the heavens and Lord in the
b.) Genesis 24:7 “For Yahweh, God of heaven and God of earth…spoke to me and swore
to me…”
Prophet Abraham is referring to God as the
God of the heaven and the earth.
c.) Psalms 121:2 “My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth”
Prophet David is referring to God as the
Lord, maker of heaven and earth.
d). Surah (Koran) 43: 82 & 84 “Glory to the Lord of the heavens and the earth,
the Lord of the throne of authority…it is He who is God in heaven and God on earth; and he
is full of wisdom and knowledge”
-Here the Holy Koran clearly states that God is Lord of the heavens and
the earth. It’s very clear that Prophet
Mohammed worshiped the same God as the other prophets.
Jesus, Abraham, David and Mohammed are all
referring to the same God; the Lord, God of the heavens and the earth. Jesus prayed to this God, Abraham knew this
God, David understood his help came from this God and Prophet Mohammed
worshiped this God.
2. God is the EXCLUSIVE owner of everything.
a.) Deuteronomy
10: 14 “ See: the heavens, those
that are seen and those that are unseen, the earth and all that is in it, everything belongs
to Yahweh, your God”
Here God is referred to as the owner of
everything. Seen and unseen, physical and spiritual, tangible and abstract. God owns everything.
b.) Exodus
9:29 “…I will lift up my hands
in prayer to the Lord, the thunder will stop, and the hail will stop so that
you may know the
earth belongs to the Lord…”
Here Moses is stating to Pharaoh that God is
the OWNER of the earth
3. God is the SOLE Creator of everything.
a.) Isaiah
48:12-13 “…I am God the first, the last, the ONLY God!
My hands
made the earth’s foundations and spread the heavens out. When I summon earth and sky, they come at
once and present themselves…”
God clearly says He is the creator of the
heavens and the earth
b.) Isaiah 44: 24 “Thus says Yahweh, your redeemer, who formed you from the womb: I am Yahweh who
made all things. I alone stretched
out the heavens and spread out the earth.
Who helped me?”
Here God clearly states the exclusivity of
His role as the creator. No one assisted
Him. He alone is the creator.
c.) Isaiah 45: 12 “I am He who made
earth and created man upon it.
I am He who stretched out the heavens with my
own hands and gave order to their whole array”
This verse is pretty much
self-explanatory. God says He is the one
who created everything.
4. God has ABSOLUTE
a.) Deuteronomy 32:39 “Learn this now – that I alone am He; there
is no god besides me. It is I who give
both death and life; it is I who wound and heal as well and out of
my hand no one can deliver”
God states that it is Him alone that gives
life and death, who wounds and heals…and it is only with his permission that
others are able to heal or wound.
Nothing happens without his consent.
b.) John 5:30 “I can do nothing on my
own authority, I
only judge as God tells me…”
Jesus is stating that he is subordinate to
God's authority.
a.) Matthew 24:36 “But as for that day and that hour, no one
knows when it will come, not even the
angels of God nor the son, but only the Father.”
Here Jesus is explaining that he does not
know the hour of judgment. This clearly shows that absolute knowledge is with
God alone as He is the creator of heaven and earth whom no one is equal to in
b.) Surah 7:187 “They ask thee
about the (final) Hour - when will be its appointed time? Say: "The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (alone): None but He can reveal as to when it will occur..."
The Koran says exactly the same with regards to the knowledge of the
Hour of Day Judgement. No one knows the hour – except the Almighty God, the
Creator, the ONE and ONLY GOD.
From the latter scriptures, we can identify
some of God’s EXCLUSIVE titles and attributes:
- God ALONE is the Lord of the heavens and the earth,
- God ALONE is the creator – no other creator besides him.
- Everything belongs to Him and He is the owner of everything
- GOD ALONE is the one who has absolute authority, power and knowledge
- God was not born, He was not created – He is the Creator and the Self Sustain-er.
- He is the Alpha and the Omega.
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